Travelin' Man: John and Lorna Oinonen on a trip to San Francisco
John and his wife Lorna are both retired. John retired after 25+ years in the energy conservation field - working with MASS-Save, New England Electric, and RISE (Rhode Islanders Saving Energy). Lorna retired after 25 years in the Human Resources area, working with Digital, Cherry Semi-Conductor, Intel, and Boston Financial, where she was a Vice President.
John writes that "We hike (belong to the Appalachian Mountain Club), sail (on our little boat) and really love to travel. Our dog, Bella, a Chinese Crested Powderpuff, gets us out every day, all year, for a brisk three mile morning walk, so we are feeling good. We are looking forward to a month in Naples, FL this winter and may go to Europe for a while next year."We would enjoy posting a recent picture of you on our web log with a brief write-up about your work, retirement, family, and current interests and hobbies. Please send your digital images and text via e-mail to, or send an e-mail to arrange a telephone interview.

Linda Giles Merikanto, Douglas Fleming, Janyce Charles Gemborys, Stanley Gemborys, Judy Heino Collete
On Tuesday, August 18, the GHS Class of 1960 50th Reunion Planning Committee met for lunch at Williams Restaurant and Tavern in Gardner. Joining the committee were Stanley Gemborys and his wife, Janyce Charles Gemborys. As regular reunion attendees, Stan and Jan offered some suggestions for reunion features that would be appropriate for our 50th class reunion, including saying grace before the meal and acknowledging deceased class members. Most of the discussion focused on the Saturday, July 24 "main event" at the Westminster Village Inn on Route 2, but other conversation explored two related reunion events that would also be planned for the weekend of our reunion. These include an optional "pay as you go" Friday night social following a tour of the "older" Gardner High school building or a "newer" Gardner library or museum, and an optional, "pay as you go" brunch or breakfast on Sunday. Linda Giles Merikanto has taken on the follow-up task of finding suitable locations. The related reunion events are being considered in response to observations by classmates who say there is never enough time to get around to everyone at the reunion dinner. The extra events will provide more time for catch up and conversation. In addition, committee members will prepare a suggested list of activities, short trips, and things to do that will further help connect classmates with similar interests. Judy Heino Collette will assemble an "All Things Gardner" list that can be shared electronically with classmates prior to the reunion. If you have some suggestions for the reunion committee to consider - from special guests, to 50's music in the background to door prizes or raffles for some unique "Gardner area goods" - there is still time to send them to us. You can add them as a comment to this post or send us an e-mail addressed to .