Friday, March 12, 2010

Reunion Reminder

Table Centerpieces - with surprises inside! (photo by Judy Heino Collette)

Our 50th Class Reunion events will be held on July 23, 24, and 25 2010. Reunion registration forms and checks should be mailed to Judy Heino Collette by Friday, April 2.

* Attire for all events is casual. All meetings will be held indoors. Dress comfortably.

* Bring an item of memorabilia to share with others - a photo, an object, or a story about a special teacher or friend.

* You don't have to go to all reunion events. Pick the ones that fit your schedule.

There are three additional ways to connect to GHS classmates before and after the reunion.
__ Check the GHS web log for weekly updates, news from classmates, and other Gardner-related information.

__ Browse the GHS Reunion Archives to download descriptions of reunion events, registration forms, past reunion photos, and messages sent in by classmates.
__ Join Facebook. Over 70 GHS classmates have Facebook accounts. You control who can see what. Send messages, view photo albums, chat live with friends.

Got a question about a reunion event? Send an email message to:

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