One more time in the Hallowed Halls of GHS
The Gardner High School Class of 1959 held its 50th Class Reunion over the weekend of October 9-11, 2009. You can get details and photos at the Class of 1959 web site at . These include photos taken in the corridors, the gym, and the auditorium of our old high school. The Friday night social and tour of the old GHS building attracted 65 attendees; the Saturday dinner, 111 classmates and spouses or guests; the Sunday brunch, 57.
Now the Elm Street School, our former alma mater building is up to building code and features an elevator. Several of the Class of 1950 reunion attendees and the building principal were stuck in the elevator for several hours as firemen and elevator technicians worked to free them. Then it was on to William's Tavern and Restaurant where the Frday night social provided a great start to the weekend.
Both Judy Heino Collette and Suzanne Skamarycz Nobrega report that the Friday event was well attended and filled up the back room of William's Restaurant. Hearty appetizers were set up at one end of the room and rows of tables allowed attendees to sit and chat. If you have thoughts about the Friday night social idea for our reunion in July of 2010, please add a comment to this message or send an e-mail message to
Pamela A. Marien, 1960 Argus Photo
Pamela A. (Marien) Schultz, 66, of Westminster, died in her home after an illness on Friday, October 16, 2009. Pamela attended Westminster Elementary and Junior High School before Gardner High School. She shares the "Little Oscar" award for wittiest student with Richard Kiiski.
Pam was a computer analyst for fifteen years at the former Digital Equipment Corporation before she retired in 1989. She moved to Cape Cod, where she worked as an accountant at Colson Landscaping, before moving back to Westminster in 2004. Pam enjoyed cooking and gardening. She is survived by her mother, two sons, a daughter, and five grandchildren.
Funeral arrangements are being handled by the Lavery, Chartrand, and Alario Funeral Home, 99 Summer Street, Fitchburg, with calling hours on Saturday, October 24 from 9-11 a.m. followed by graveside services in Woodside Cemetery in Westminster.
Photo by Judy Heino Collette
In the August 1, 2007 edition of the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, correspondent Shirley Barnes reported that "Seventy years ago, Harriet Lee won $ 100.00 playing bingo." Later, Harriet and her husband would use that money and other savings to start a small food stand on land near their home. Starting in 1937, they sold hot dogs and soda to workers at a nearby paper mill on the Otter River. The hot dogs were a foot long served in a ten inch roll, selling for 10 cents apiece. During World War II , the stand was closed. The original building was burned down in 1942, but a new stand was opened after the war.
A lot of GHS alumni remember the little building (no seating inside, only a take-out window) at the curve in the road near the railroad bridge over route 68 entering Baldwinville center. Lee's was popular for its many varieties of hot-dog toppings, including "the works."
View over the Otter River
Here's another photo from classmate Judy Heino Collette. We are approaching peak foliage time here in north central Massachusetts and Judy took this photo over the Otter River. At this time of year, the blaze red and orange of the maples stand out in dramatic contrast to the deep green of pine trees or deciduous trees that have not yet turned colors. The birches, hickory, and poplar trees add a splash of yellow. Eventually, the oaks will turn leathery brown.
Is there a Gardner Scene you would like to see featured on the GHS web log? Or a childhood neighborhood or storefront scene that you are curious about? Send your e-mail requests to or add a comment to this posting.
In this photo by Judy Heino Collette, you see the "island" at the intersection of Parker Street (to the left) and West Street ( to the right). Following West Street along Route 68 you could drive through Otter River and then on to Baldwinville for a stop at Lee's Hot Dog Stand. Taking Parker Street along Route 101 you could drive to East Templeton and then on to Queen Lake.
Do you have a favorite neighborhood or intersection that you recall from your "growing up in Gardner" days? Send an e-mail message to and we will try to get a photo of what that Gardner Scene looks like today.