The Gardner High School Class of 1959 held its 50th Class Reunion over the weekend of October 9-11, 2009. You can get details and photos at the Class of 1959 web site at http://www.ghs59.org . These include photos taken in the corridors, the gym, and the auditorium of our old high school. The Friday night social and tour of the old GHS building attracted 65 attendees; the Saturday dinner, 111 classmates and spouses or guests; the Sunday brunch, 57.
Now the Elm Street School, our former alma mater building is up to building code and features an elevator. Several of the Class of 1950 reunion attendees and the building principal were stuck in the elevator for several hours as firemen and elevator technicians worked to free them. Then it was on to William's Tavern and Restaurant where the Frday night social provided a great start to the weekend.
Both Judy Heino Collette and Suzanne Skamarycz Nobrega report that the Friday event was well attended and filled up the back room of William's Restaurant. Hearty appetizers were set up at one end of the room and rows of tables allowed attendees to sit and chat. If you have thoughts about the Friday night social idea for our reunion in July of 2010, please add a comment to this message or send an e-mail message to ghsclassof1960@gmail.com.
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