Nancy writes, "My partner, Richard (formerly executive chef of the Salem Cross In, West Brookfield, MA) and I have been together for 22 years. We may actually make it legal soon but are in no rush. We have been on Cape Cod for 18 years and it is always a pleasure to be here. We have been in the travel business for 15 years and have traveled extensively all over the world, but there is still more to see. Amsterdam during tulip time is on my bucket list.
My company, CruiseOne, is one of the largest home-based sellers of vacation get-aways on land and at sea, including honeymoons, family reunions, corporate meetings, and other events. We get great discounts, and you get ME!!! Service with a smile and a deal! Call 1-800-425-7245.
I volunteer for the Audible Local Ledger, reading for the blind, and continue my acting by recording talking books. Last week I was Mata Hari. You can't beat that - being 47 years old, thin, with green eyes. Oh well...type-cast again. La Chaim! "
Nancy attended Pleasant Street and Connors Street Elementary Schools, then went to Gardner Junior High School. At Gardner High School, Nancy as a member of the Senior Play cast, Senior Kid Party committee, Little Oscar committee, and Senior Banquet committee.