Tim Swanson and his wife, Ginger
Timothy Swanson writes that "Ginger and I have been married for almost twenty two years (a second marriage for both of us) and live in Columbia, CT, just west of Willimantic. I am Associate Professor of Physics and Chairperson of the Department of Physical Sciences at Eastern Connecticut State University. I have no plans to retire, as I enjoy college teaching far too much to stop now."
Tim sent us a reflection on his high school days to add to the GHS Memory Book. He writes about individual teachers and his band experiences. Here is an excerpt from the conclusion to his essay.
"We were fortunate to grow up in the 1950's and attend high school at the end of that decade. It was among the best of places and among the best of times to do that. Gardner was a city in which quality education was valued by teachers, parents , and the community itself. It was a city in which a person could feel perfectly safe walking its streets both day and night. It was peace time, the time after the Korean War and the time before Vietnam would divide the country and be a dual danger to those entering the armed services. It was a time when we as students could focus on the things we valued - family, friends, and studies - without many of the worries we have today. I thank all of you for the many good times we shared together."
Tim's year round interests include reading about naval history and the American Civil War. He has also done work on the genealogy members of their families. Tim races a small sailboat in the summer and enjoys golf. Tim and Ginger will not attend the 50th Reunion in July. They are caring for two grandchildren ages 4 and 6 while their parents are on a long trip out of the country. Tim sends special greetings to boyhood friends Stan and Russ, and to all those with whom he shares so many GHS band memories, including Dick, Harold, Norm, and Bill.
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