Back: Annette (Cormier) Scribner, unknown person, Jackie (Teir) Sanford, Karen (Heywood) Greenlaw.
Front: Jeanne Levine, Kathy Guilfoyle, Beverly (Morze) Piccone, Mary Alice Ahearn
Do you recognize the "unknown" person in this photograph? Beverly (Morze) Piccone says this was part of a short program during half-time at a football game. Karen (Heywood) Greenlaw added that John Yablonski's mother sewed the costumes. Tom Ryan noted that this happened at the Gardner-East Providence game in 1959. He said the Cats were trailing at the half and that Coach Dubzinski gave a rousing half-time speech. Can you provide additional facts, corrections, or details?
1 comment:
Ask Barb Pelletier if the MYSTERY person is her sister....
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